Structured Finance Relationship Manager

Eurobank S.A.

Structured Finance Relationship Manager
0 ημέρες
Ουδέτερη εμπειρία Experience neutral
Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές No offer
Καμία απάντηση No feedback received

Πώς πήγε η συνέντευξη;

4 Behavioral questions, 2 games.
In the first game, you need to find pictures that are the same while battling time. In the second game, you need to calculate as fast as possible.

Ερωτήσεις συνέντευξης και τεστ

Tell me about a time you had to improvise.

Tell me bout a time you had to cancel or redirect a project in the middle of the course.
Experience neutral Ουδέτερη εμπειρία
No offer Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές
No feedback received Καμία απάντηση