IT Support Consultant

Deloitte Greece

IT Support Consultant
1 ημέρα
Θετική εμπειρία Experience positive
Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές No offer
Καμία απάντηση No feedback received

Πώς πήγε η συνέντευξη;

The interview was held by two different members of Deloitte. One of them was from HR and the other was from the Support Team. The guy from HR was very friendly and he made the interview a nice experience. The other guy from support was also nice and he provided a lot of information about the position

Ερωτήσεις συνέντευξης και τεστ

The usual questions, what have you done in the past, where do you wanna focus in the future and a few questions to test my soft skills and technical skills
Experience positive Θετική εμπειρία
No offer Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές
No feedback received Καμία απάντηση