Associate Advisor Financial Services

PwC Greece

Associate Advisor Financial Services
1 ημέρα
Ουδέτερη εμπειρία Experience neutral
Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές No offer
Καμία απάντηση No feedback received

Πώς πήγε η συνέντευξη;

I had the opportunity to interview with PWC Greece, and I must say it was a very pleasant experience. The interview began with some general questions about my current role, which helped set a comfortable tone and allowed me to highlight my relevant experience. Following this, the conversation transitioned into general HR questions, covering topics such as my career goals, work ethic, and team collaboration. This structured approach not only made me feel at ease but also provided a comprehensive overview of my qualifications and alignment with the company's values. Overall, it was an engaging and positive interview process.

Ερωτήσεις συνέντευξης και τεστ

Some of the questions asked are:
1) Can you describe your current role and responsibilities?
2) What are some of the major projects you've worked on recently?
3) What are some challenges you've faced in your current role, and how did you overcome them?
4) What is your current salary?
Experience neutral Ουδέτερη εμπειρία
No offer Δεν έχουν ληφθεί προσφορές
No feedback received Καμία απάντηση